Trying to remember how to write my own name... This was taken at my very first book signing on January 4, 2005, at the Borders in Beaverton. More than 40 friends, co-workers and book store customers braved the strong winds and frigid temperatures (well, 'round these parts, anything below 38 is frigid) to attend.

Beau Monde's annual soiree at the RWA National Converence in Dallas, July 2004. I'm flanked by "Sir Reggie" (aka romance author Regina Scott) and Forrest Ashley, good sport and husband of romance author Jennifer Ashley.

The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats as gods. Cats have never forgotten this. This is Spider, aka His Majesty, in his favorite position, having summoned my husband to the chair. At a healthy 14 pounds and 15 years, Spider pretty much gets whatever he wants, when he wants it, even if he has to use his "now!" voice at five a.m. Dogs have owners; cats have staff. (You're wondering why a white cat is named Spider? He doesn't meow -- he chirps like a spider monkey.)

My husband Mike, on January 7, 2004. Neither sleet nor snow nor freezing rain storm was going to interrupt his ritual of a morning soak. The only concession he made to the storm that shut down the airport for two days was to take his morning caffeine in soda form instead of coffee -- there was no mug that could keep coffee warm for more than a few minutes in this deep freeze. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we're used to a lot of precipitation in January, but not the kind you have to shovel or chisel.


© 2004 Shirley Karr | Site Designed by Kris Wallsmith.
Page last modified January 7, 2005

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