Showing off:

My first internet interview, as the featured author for February at Romance Book Lovers:


Just for fun:

  • Unofficially, everything about Stargate SG-1, one of the best shows on TV:
  • Ahh... Can't you just picture him (below) in the cravat and waistcoat, breeches and boots of a Regency gentleman? Someday soon I'll learn how to set up the pictures properly, like my web designer, but I couldn't wait to share this inspiring image. Ahem.
    A Tribute to Stargate SG-1 and Michael Shanks is a web site by a fan who's even more obsessed than I am. Has great pictures and information, including a VCR Alert page that's updated regularly.

  • Richard Dean Anderson -- As Jack O'Neill, MacGyver, or even Dr. Jeff Webber on General Hospital, this actor has been pushing my buttons since I was in junior high. Now that's lasting power. And stamina in your leading man is always a good thing. ;-)
    For the full collection of photos, filmography, and way more than you ever wanted to know about RDA, check out
  • Two of the hottest hunks on TV, together. What could be better?

    Special thanks to Carron for this image. She has entirely different ideas about Jack and Daniel's relationship than those of RDA and MS. Read her fan fiction here:

Enough with the um, inspirational photos. Back to the serious stuff.
Especially for writers:

  • Romance Writers of America:
  • Rose City Romance Writers, my local RWA chapter:
  • The Beau Monde, the Regency special interest chapter of RWA:
  • Avon Authors (especially check out the Bulletin Board -- you never know which Avon authors will drop in on the conversations):




© 2004 Shirley Karr | Site Designed by Kris Wallsmith.
Page last modified February 21, 2005


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